Member Etiquette

Fuzion Fitness Mississauga

 As a member or guest of Fuzion Fitness the following courtesies are expected:

  • Refrain from using your cell phone on the training floor(s) and move to the lobby when talking on the phone.
  • Allow fellow members to work in between sets.
    Replace equipment to the proper place when finished.
  • Wipe down your equipment after each use using the disinfectant spray and towels ot paper towels
  • Chalk is not permitted in the club.
  • Do not drop weights.
    To avoid spills and breakage, only secured, non-glass drinking containers are permitted in the club.
  • For consideration of our Members and Associates who have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, please refrain from using scented products in the Club, or wearing perfume or cologne to the Club.
  • Respectful and courteous conduct is expected by all members & guests. Aggressive and/or inappropriate conduct, including offensive/vulgar language directed towards any person in the club will not be tolerated. 
  • We expect everyone in the club to respect each other’s privacy therefore capturing video or photos within the change room is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate termination of your membership.
    Proper athletic attire is always required, including shirts and shoes (no sandals or flip-flops), unless noted otherwise in the specific area.

 For your safety and security in the club, the following rules apply to members & guests.

  • Fuzion Fitness personal trainers and instructors are the ONLY authorized professionals to provide coaching, instruction, nutritional consultation and/or program design within the club.
  • We strongly encourage all members to complete a Fitness Consultation with one of our fitness professionals prior to starting a new exercise program.
  • All Personal Training sessions must be funded in order to complete; payment must be made prior to the workout.
    24-hour notice is required to reschedule or cancel an existing
  • Personal Training session to avoid a cancellation charge.
  • If you are injured while in the club, please seek immediate assistance from a Fuzion Fitness team member. Our team can provide or arrange for appropriate medical assistance and complete an incident report.
  • Please lock up your belongings in one of the day use lockers provided.
  • Fuzion Fitness is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Sharing of membership cards will result in immediate termination of membership.
  • Lost or stolen swipe cards can be replaced for a fee at the front desk.
  • Swiping of your membership barcode is required upon entry of the club; entry without your barcode is allowed one time with proper photo ID.
  • Membership cancellations can only be processed in the club and upon completion of the digital cancelation form

Fuzion Fitness Studio/ Fitness Class Etiquette

  • Arrive early/on time to set up equipment and settle into your space.
  • Cell phones and personal items should be kept in day use lockers provided or locker service at a fee to leave belonging longer than day. Locks are available for purchase at our front desk.
  • Members are required to wear appropriate, respectable attire including indoor athletic footwear.
  • Please wipe down all equipment after use and replace in the appropriate storage area.
  • If you notice torn or broken equipment, please notify the instructor.
  • To avoid spills and breakage, only secured, non-glass drinking containers are permitted in the studios and pools.
  • If you need to leave a class early, please inform the instructor in advance.
  • Spartan Training Studio is ONLY for Spartan training members, no equipment should be removed from this room.

Fuzion Fitness Yoga Etiquette: 

  • Please be courteous to your fellow members and instructors for an enjoyable class.
  • Arrive early/on time to set up and settle into your space & breathe.
  • If you must leave practice early, please inform the instructor before class starts and quietly excuse yourself.
  • Locker space & cubbies are provided inside each change room for your belongings
  • Cell phones are not permitted in Yoga classes.
  • Members are required to wear appropriate, respectable Yoga attire.
  • Members are required to bring their own Yoga props (blocks, mats, straps)

Steam Room Etiquette

  • Refrain from conducting personal hygiene (ex. shaving, nail clipping, applying lotions or perfumes, hair dying etc).
  • Users must be fully covered in a towel or bathing suit.
  • It is recommended users under the age of 17 not use the steam room.
  • Please observe reasonable time limits to avoid dizziness or fainting.
  • Pregnant women & persons suffering from heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure should not use the steam room/sauna.
  • No food or glass containers allowed.
  • Do not tamper with the temperature gauge.
  • Capturing photos and/or video’s is strictly prohibited.

 Guest Pass Policy

  • Guests must be over the age of 12 and signed into the club by an adult.
  • Please note proof of age may be required to confirm 12 years of age or older.
  • Adult guests must provide government issued photo ID as well as complete the Fuzion
  • Fitness liability waiver upon entry.
  • Day pass rate will range from $15
  • All day pass options are valid for same day use only
  • All guests must comply with Fuzion Fitness Member Etiquette.

Kids Zone Etiquette

  • For the privacy of all children in our youth programs, capturing photos and/or videos during any youth program activity is strictly prohibited.
  • Parent/guardian must stay on Fuzion Fitness premises while children are involved in Kids Zone.
  • Please be aware we are NOT a nut free environment; our Shake bar offers products containing nuts and we cannot guarantee the
  • Playroom is nut free environment.
    While in our care, food and drink are strictly prohibited. Other than water
  • For the health of all children & staff in our youth programs, do not bring your child if they are sick (ex. cold, flu, fever, loose bowels, discharge from their nose).
  • Playroom visits are limited to two hours.
  • Clothing, bags, toys, etc that a child brings to the playroom must be labelled.
  • All children must have indoor shoes or socks. Bare feet are not permitted.
  • Fuzion Fitness Kids Zone is available to kids age’s newborn – 12 years old
  • Children 12 years and younger cannot be left unattended anywhere in the club.

Please review these important new etiquette safety guidelines.